Our Treatments
Laser Vein Treatments.
We offer the solution to a wide range of aesthetic, vascular conditions, including facial telangiectasias and spider veins. We can eliminate discrete vascular areas safely, quickly, and with no down time.
Age and Sun Spot Removal.
Solar Genesis is a pulsed light system that is exceptionally effective at treating pigmented skin at a comfortable energy level. Superior results are visible in just two or three treatments.
Nail Fungus.
Recently there has been a significant scientific breakthrough in the treatment of fungal nails. The treatment is painless and has no side effects. The Cutera Genesis Plus is the only laser designed to treat fungal nails and warts that has both TGA approval in Australia and FDA approval in USA.
Advanced Facials.
At Exquisite Laser Clinic we specialise in advanced skin treatments using a range of highly active results driven ranges such as ASAP, Aspect Dr, Cosmedix and more.
Laser Genesis.
Laser Genesis Skin Rejuvenation is the treatment of wrinkles and redness, scars, management of large pores and skin texture for all skin types.
Micro-needling infusion therapy is an advanced aesthetic treatment used to target many skin concerns including fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, brown spots and pigmentation, open pores, congested skin, mild acne scaring and dry and dehydrated skin.
If having a wrinkled forehead troubles you, then worry no more. Dysport is a simple, non surgical treatment that helps to relax the facial muscles on the forehead and reduces and smooths frown-lines and wrinkles.
Hollywood Glow Laser Facial.
This advanced treatment combines the physical effects of microdermabrasion, gently removing the dead skin cells on your skin’s outermost layer, excellent for improving texture, reducing pore size, redness and fine-lines in the epidermis.
Medical Microdermabrasion is a non-surgical method of rejuvenation by means of mechanical skin exfoliation without chemicals or laser to improve skin appearance, treat mild acne scarring and reduce the signs of ageing.
Chemical Peels.
Professional chemical peels are essential for maintaining and restoring the skin’s health and appearance and they are available exclusively through an authorised skincare professional.
Collagen induction therapy (CIT) is an aesthetic medical procedure that involves repeatedly puncturing the skin with tiny, sterile needles (micro-needling the skin) in order to induce endogenous production of cutaneous collagen.
Laser Hair Removal.
The Cutera Coolglide® Nd:YAG laser is for all skin types and tones, from light to dark, including tanned patients. Its unique design, longer wavelength and innovative cooling design, allow extremely effective, safe and permanent results to remove unwanted hair.